FirstTech has closed

It is with deep regret that we inform you that both FirstTech locations, Minneapolis and Rochester, have closed.

After 37 years as an Apple Reseller and 73 years in electronics, FirstTech has closed its doors. We want to say thank you to the thousands of people and businesses—small and large—who have worked with us over the years. We have tried our best to make your experience working with us an exceptional one. We very much appreciated the support the Twin Cities community has given us in return.

Over the years FirstTech has provided a variety of services that our clients have appreciated and valued. Following is a list of providers we can suggest to fill the gap. In many cases they are former FirstTech people who you may have come to know and trust. This list is not complete and may change over time as we get better information. These resources are listed below.

NOTICE: If you have a repair in our service department that needs to be picked up, you can email with a message to arrange a time to pick up your repair. We will return your message as soon as possible.

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